Projects AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Atmove Biogas Innovations Austrian Climate and Energy Fund Austrian Logistics Best in Mobility Best in Parking Bombardier Carr-e CAT City Airport Train CH4PA – Labor and Transport Vehicle Championships Colop Domoferm International EcoIn Energie Burgenland EREMA EU-LIVE Garaventa HEAD Ski Helbling IL Management IOT Baseplate LiSEC Mat4Rail Minute Medical mo.point next level consulting Noan Nora Pure Sports ÖAMTC Fahrtechnik ÖBB ÖBB Infra ÖSWAG Otto Immobilien Group pewag International GmbH Plasser & Theurer Radiology Center Reform Rosenbauer SKIDATA Power.Cash Söhne & Partner Sunshine Enterprises SynArea Urban Cable Railways WESTbahn Wiener Netze Zoerkler