
High-Tech with History

Founded in 1898 as a small mechanical workshop, Zoerkler has evolved over the course of four generations into a high-tech company of international stature, thanks to constant innovation, personal commitment from the company’s staff and consistent focus on customer needs.

Brand Re-launch

Strategically Sound Branding

Spirit Design analysed the company’s competition, core competencies and service areas, as well as existing customers and target groups. Based on the findings, Spirit Design developed an informed marketing strategy and redesigned the entire visual presence of the brand Zoerkler. As a result, Zoerkler received a look that reflects the international success of the company. The branding and the company’s communications now underscore its positioning as an innovative company that plays a frontrunner role in Europe’s high-tech industry. Spirit Design also defined the entire brand architecture and developed an integrated marketing plan for Zoerkler.

Zörkler Brochure

Emotion and Technology

An important aspect of Spirit Design’s consulting was the suggestion to not bank exclusively on technical factors but to also convey emotional value. The new tagline, ‘the spirit of precision’ transmits both technical expertise as well as passion for precision, which is tangible at Zoerkler.

Zörkler Visitenkarte

Precisely Attuned to Success

With its new visual identity, Zoerkler strengthens its positioning in the market, which is characterised by the attributes of flexibility, precision, a solution-oriented attitude and dynamics. The newly created brand values ​​were thoroughly applied to the entire branding of the company: from the stationary to the corporate brochure all the way up to the company’s presence at exhibitions and fairs; all marketing tools support the new presence on the market.


Spirit Design – Innovation and Brand GmbH
Wattmanngasse 8
1130 Vienna | Austria
+43 664 1800099